Self Education 101: Course Materials

I strongly advocate for self-education, where the resources to acquire new skills are readily available, putting the onus on you to take charge.

For those who opt out of or cannot pursue traditional higher education, self-education is key. Wondering where to begin? How about accessing course materials from the classes you've opted out of or can't attend?

- Start by finding the materials in use: Many institutions share previous term syllabi online, including textbooks and other reading materials.

- Ensure you have the latest edition: Course materials are updated regularly to reflect evolving information. Aim to acquire the most recent versions used in formal classes.

- Budget wisely and make your purchases: If feasible, consider buying new. For a tighter budget, explore alternative options. Course materials often find their way back into circulation for resale, aiding students in recovering costs. Additionally, seek out discounted digital or PDF versions.

This assisted me in kickstarting my fundamentals of Accounting, GAAP principles and more. It is the foundation of my career and tells the story of my coach-ability and eagerness to grow.

This blog is for educational purposes only. Mikaesbooks is not a tax advisor or legal professional.


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