Tactful Titles

There are plenty of titles that exist in the financial space. The question is, do you need one? When a professional doesn’t have one, does it mean they are not at the same caliber of expertise? Short answer, no and no.

I speak from experience when I question the need for a title and the weight that it carries. This has been up for discussion in the professional space for quite some time. Here’s the gist of my take on this dated debate

  • Professionals with or without titles can make royal mistakes - Title doesn’t dictate whether or not errors will occur

  • Professionals with or without titles can provide value to businesses - Title doesn’t dictate the value one’s service can provide

  • Professionals with or without titles can have plenty of or no experience - Title doesn’t dictate career length

Keeping all of this in mind, there are successful financial service providers that have titles as well as those who don’t. The most important thing is to know your financial information is maintained accurately, promptly and with care. Having a professional that personalizes their offerings to suit your needs is a skill that travels beyond a title.

Did you know almost half of all accountants are not licensed in the US? According to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, there are 671,855 CPAs as of August of 2024. According to the US Bureau of Statistics, in 2023 there was 1.56 million jobs. These figures do not include professionals such as bookkeepers that share similar functions without a license.

At Mikaesbooks, it is important to us to provide personalized financial management services and support to suit your business. Schedule a free consultation today to see how we can help you.

This blog is for educational purposes only. Mikaesbooks is not a tax advisor or legal professional.


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